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Crohns-disease cells used for various research and medical applications.

Crohn’s Disease - AcceGen



AceSeq™ DNA dT Tailing Kit

AceSeq™ DNA dT Tailing Kit is designed for adding a dT tail to the blunt-ended DNA fragments. This k...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ DNA dA Tailing Kit

AceSeq™ DNA dA Tailing Kit is designed for adding a dA tail to the blunt-ended DNA fragment. This ki...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ DNA Polishing Kit

AceSeq™ DNA Polishing Kit is designed for converting DNA sticky ends to blunt ends. This kit uses th...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ PAGE Gel RNA Recovery Kit

AceSeq™ PAGE Gel RNA Recovery Kit for recovering RNA fragments from polyacrylamide gels. Column reco...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ Agarose Gel DNA Recovery Kit

AceSeq™ Agarose Gel DNA Recovery Kit is designed for recovering DNA from agarose gel or DNA reaction...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ PAGE Gel DNA Recovery Kit

AceSeq™ PAGE Gel DNA Recovery Kit is designed for purifying and recovering DNA fragments from polyac...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ DNA Dephosphorylation Kit

AceSeq™ DNA Dephosphorylation Kit is developed for dephosphorylating the -PO4 group at the 5’ end of...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ DNA Phosphorylation Kit

AceSeq™ DNA Phosphorylation Kit is developed for phosphorylating the -OH group at the 5’ end of DNA ...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ Rapid Nucleic Acid Silver Stain

AceSeq™ Rapid Nucleic Acid Silver Stain is designed to make nucleic acid electrophoresis bands stain...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ Trace DNA Adsorption Removal Kit

AceSeq™ Trace DNA Adsorption Removal Kit is designed to digest the residual DNA on the centrifugal a...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ Tn5 Transposase

AceSeq™ Tn5 Transposase is a highly active mutant of wild-type Tn5 transposase, which can efficientl...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ RNase R

AceSeq™ RNase R is a magnesium ion-dependent 3’ end to 5’ end exonuclease, which can digest all line...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ RNase A

AceSeq™ RNase A is a single-chain polypeptide containing 4 disulfide bonds with a molecular weight o...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ RNase H

AceSeq™ RNase H is an endoribonuclease that specifically hydrolyzes the phosphodiester bonds of RNA ...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ mRNA Cap 2’-O-Methyltransferase

AceSeq™ mRNA Cap 2’-O-Methyltransferase is a recombinant protein from vaccinia virus. The enzyme can...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ mRNA Cap 2’-O-Methyltransferase GMP-grade

AceSeq™ mRNA Cap 2’-O-Methyltransferase GMP-grade is a recombinant protein derived from vaccinia vir...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ mRNA Vaccinia Capping Enzyme GMP-grade

AceSeq™ mRNA Vaccinia Capping Enzyme GMP-grade is an efficient enzyme that catalyzes the formation o...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ T7 RNA polymerase

AceSeq™ T7 RNA polymerase is a phage T7 RNA polymerase derived from E. coli recombinant expression. ...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ T7 RNA Polymerase GMP-grade

AceSeq™ T7 RNA Polymerase GMP-grade is a phage T7 RNA polymerase derived from recombinant protein ex...more +inquiry


AceSeq™ T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit

AceSeq™ T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit optimizes the transcription reaction system. The kit uses T7...more +inquiry
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