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In gratitude for your ongoing support and patronage, we would like to extend a special coupon offer to you. This coupon is designed to help reduce the costs of your orders for specific AcceGen cell lines.
To avail of this opportunity, we kindly request you to take a moment to complete our satisfaction questionnaire (click here). By doing so, you will not only provide valuable feedback but also enter the chance to receive a coupon worth $100.
Furthermore, we are delighted to offer you the same $100 coupon when you cite our product as “AcceGen Biotech Cat.# XXX-0000” in your forthcoming research publications. To claim this coupon, kindly click here and share your paper’s PubMed ID (PMID).
Find out which saving offers are available for the cell lines you’re looking for. Please note that these offers are exclusively accessible to our esteemed regular customers. Your continued support makes these gestures of appreciation possible, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.
AcceGen’s coupon offers are subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Please be sure to visit this site or the website for your cell lines for the latest information. Your trust is integral to our success, and we are committed to maintaining a strong and positive relationship with you.