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DH-82; DH 82




Canis Familiaris


1 vial

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Dry Ice


Liquid Nitrogen


The DH82 cell line, derived from canine malignant hyperthermia, represents an adherent macrophage-like lineage with histiocytic origins. Its characterization includes distinctive features such as positive staining for alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and acid phosphatase, Fc receptor presence, phagocytic activity, and plastic adherence in culture. Notably, DH82 cells lack Fc mu and C3b receptors, and they do not produce IL-1. The cell line supports equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) replication and can be easily transfected, facilitating EIAV Tat transactivation of the LTR.


Why choose DH82 from AcceGen?

DH82 cells from AcceGen is preferred for their exceptional quality and reliability. With assured high viability, sterility, and stringent quality control measures, these cells meet the highest standards. Mycoplasma contamination is meticulously excluded using PCR-based and luminescence-based assays, while daily visual monitoring ensures the absence of bacterial or fungal contaminants, ensuring the utmost confidence in your research.

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Citation Guide

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The DH82 cell line offers a versatile platform for diverse biological investigations. With its macrophage-like morphology, potent phagocytic capability, and unique receptor expression profiles, it serves as an invaluable model for delving into immune responses, cellular cytotoxicity, and cytokine-related studies. DH82 cells prove particularly advantageous for probing immune responses, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and related research domains. Notably, the absence of key receptors, such as Fc mu and C3b, creates a controlled context to unravel precise immune mechanisms influenced by these receptors. Additionally, the cell line finds application in comprehending the impact of IL-1 on various biological processes and uncovering the intricacies of IL-1-mediated diseases.

Growth Conditions

37 ℃, 5% CO2

Cell Type


Growth Mode


Product Type

Canine Macrophage Cell Lines

Product Image

AcceGen Frozen Cells & Cell Lines

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