Tumor Cell Lines


  • BSL


  • 129
Human lung oat cell carcinoma. Derived from a brain metastasis of a 47 year old female with oat cell carcinoma of the lung.
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Product Code

Colo 668; COLO668; Colo668; Colorado 668





Product Category Tumor Cell Lines

1 vial

Cell Type


Shipping Info

Dry Ice

Growth Conditions

37 ℃, 5% CO2

Source Organ



Lung Small Cell Cancer

Biosafety Level



Liquid Nitrogen

Product Type

Human Lung Cell Lines


Human lung oat cell carcinoma. Derived from a brain metastasis of a 47 year old female with oat cell carcinoma of the lung.

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  • For research use only

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the origin of COLO-668 cell line?

    COLO-668 cells were derived from a metastatic site of a human colorectal adenocarcinoma. They are widely used in cancer research, particularly in studies related to colorectal cancer biology, drug testing, and molecular studies.

  • What is the recommended seeding density?

    The recommended seeding density for COLO-668 cells can vary depending on the specific experimental requirements and growth characteristics of the cells. As a general guideline:

    Initial Seeding Density: COLO-668 cells are typically seeded at a density ranging from 1 × 10^5 to 5 × 10^5 cells per milliliter (cells/mL) of medium.

    Adherence Considerations: COLO-668 cells are epithelial in origin and generally adhere well to tissue culture vessels. However, certain conditions or issues may affect their adherence:

  • Why are my COLO-668 cells not adhering to the culture vessel?

    Cell Health: Ensure that the cells are healthy and not undergoing stress due to factors like incorrect medium composition, pH imbalance, or excessive handling.

    Surface Coating: COLO-668 cells may require specific surface coatings (e.g., collagen, fibronectin) to promote adherence. Check if the culture vessel has been properly coated before seeding.

    Cell Density: If seeded at too low a density, cells might not adhere well. Try increasing the seeding density slightly or adjusting the incubation time after seeding to allow for attachment.

    Cell Passage Number: Higher passage number cells may have reduced adherence properties. Consider using cells from earlier passages if adherence remains an issue.

    Medium Composition: Ensure the medium is appropriate for COLO-668 cells and contains necessary supplements for their growth and adherence.

    By addressing these factors, you can optimize the conditions for COLO-668 cell culture and promote adherence to the culture vessel surface, ensuring robust growth and experimental success.

Inquiring COLO-668

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To succeed in cell culture
Precision and Reliability
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