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Specific Protein Expressing Cells

Specific Protein Expressing Cells are a vital tool in biological research and genetic engineering. Some of them carry a reporter gene that encodes a product with a readily measurable phenotype, which is easily distinguishable from the endogenous cellular background. Common examples include Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP), and Luciferase. Additionally, others express genes encoding specific enzymes such as Cre recombinase and Cas9 protein, which are indispensable tools in genetic engineering.

AcceGen is at the forefront of producing various Specific Protein Expressing Cells, including endothelial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and neutrophils. These cells are developed through the transduction of lentiviral particles, ensuring high efficiency and stability of gene expression. For specialized needs, AcceGen offers custom cell development services, which can be accessed by contacting inquiry@accegen.com.



Cre-Expressing Human Stomach Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Stomach Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human stomach tissue. Cre-Express...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Stomach Epithelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Stomach Epithelial Cells are isolated from human stomach tissue. Cre-Expressing...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Endothelial Cells are isolated from human spleen tissue. Cre-Expressing ...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Fibroblasts

Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Fibroblasts are isolated from human spleen tissue. Cre-Expressing Human ...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Epithelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Spleen Epithelial Cells are isolated from human spleen tissue. Cre-Expressing H...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human small intestinal t...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells are isolated from human small ...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Fibroblasts

Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Fibroblasts are isolated from human small intestinal tissue. C...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Epithelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Small Intestinal Epithelial Cells are isolated from human small intestinal tiss...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Skeletal Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Skeletal Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human skeletal tissue. Cre-Expre...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Retinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Retinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells are isolated from human retinal vein ti...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human pulmonary artery t...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human pulmonary vein tissu...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Fibroblasts

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Fibroblasts are isolated from human pulmonary vein tissue. Cre-E...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Fibroblasts

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Fibroblasts are isolated from human pulmonary artery tissue. C...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Vein Endothelial Cells are isolated from human pulmonary vein tissue....more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells are isolated from human pulmonary artery tis...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells are isolated from human proximal tubular tiss...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Prostate Smooth Muscle Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Prostate Smooth Muscle Cells are isolated from human prostate tissue. Cre-Expre...more +inquiry


Cre-Expressing Human Prostate Microvascular Endothelial Cells

Cre-Expressing Human Prostate Microvascular Endothelial Cells are isolated from human prostate tissu...more +inquiry
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