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LL/2 (LLc1); LL/2; LL2; LLC1; LLC; Lewis lung carcinoma line 1; Lewis lung carcinoma; Lewis Lung Cancer; Lewis-Lung; Lewis Lung






1 vial

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Dry Ice


Liquid Nitrogen


The Lewis lung carcinoma line 1 (LLC1), also known as LL-2, was the lung cancer cell line derived from a primary Lewis lung carcinoma tumor in a C57BL mouse. This cell line is tumorigenic and compatible with the murine immune system. It retains its tumorigenicity in C57B1 mice, generating primary tumors and lung metastases identical to the original tumor. LL-2(LLC1) cells grow as a monolayer in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 2% fetal calf serum, with a plating efficiency of approximately 94% and a 21-hour doubling time. Reports also indicate their stable growth in DMEM with 10% FBS.


Why choose LL-2(LLC1) from AcceGen?

LL-2 cells from AcceGen undergo rigorous quality control measures to ensure sterility and exclude mycoplasma contamination using PCR and luminescence-based assays. Bacterial or fungal contaminations are detected through daily visual cell monitoring. Production involves professional operators who adhere to optimal standards, ensuring the reliability and integrity of LL-2 cells.


Lung Cancer

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Citation Guide

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LL-2(LLC1) cells have diverse applications in cancer research. They are useful in focus assays to evaluate drug-induced cytotoxicity, providing insights into the effects of various compounds on cancer cell viability. Additionally, LL-2(LLC1) cells are commonly employed in syngeneic animal models to assess the efficacy of anticancer treatments in vivo. These models enable researchers to study treatment effectiveness and potential side effects in a controlled environment. Furthermore, LL-2(LLC1) cells are valuable in identifying key factors in human cancer. Researchers can evaluate the impact of antibodies or inhibitors on LL-2(LLC1) cells, shedding light on potential therapeutic targets and aiding in the development of targeted cancer therapies. Overall, LL-2(LLC1) cells serve as valuable tools for investigating drug cytotoxicity, treatment efficacy, and identifying key factors in cancer biology.

Growth Conditions

37 ℃, 5% CO2

Growth Mode

Adherent and Suspension

Product Type

Mouse Lung Cancer Cell Lines

Product Image AcceGen Frozen Cells & Cell Lines 1 vial

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the growth mode of LL/2(LLc1) cell line?

    The LL/2(LLc1) cells exhibit heterogeneous morphology, with both epithelial-like cells and round cells present simultaneously in varying proportions. Cells are loosely attached to the culture vessel. There may be a small number of floating cells; when adherent cells are abundant, the suspension cells can be discarded.

  • what should be careful when culturing these cells?

    Be careful to control the cell density to avoid it being too high, as long-term high-density culture can lead to cell stacking or clustering.

  • Is LL/2 (LLC1) cell line tumorgenic?

    The LL/2 cells are highly tumorigenic and can form tumors and metastases when implanted into immunocompromised or syngenic C57BL/6 mice. However, they are weakly metastatic in mice and have been described as non-responsive to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy.

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